Thursday 5 December 2013

The Fate of The Cryptid

The cryptid creature was created using crude plasticine, so it was made to look like a worm to make it easy to animate with. It is a simple sausage shape with a rounded nose and two spherical eyes, a mouth was made but not designed to move.
The animations were made using Apple iStopMotion. There were two 10 second animations in total. Each clip was created by moving the puppet slightly for every frame of the animation and take a photo to insert into the sequence.
The movie was edited in Apple iMovie, using the title and transition effects (which were harder to use than Adobe Premiere). I imported the two files into the programme and put them into it's excuse for a timeline (though a more advanced version was available) and chose an opening and closing title. I cut a clip from the first animation and cropped it, the clip was then edited to make it appear darker. The final shot fades to black and white, done with a cross dissolve and slowed down by 25%.

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